How to test any HTTP Client of your Spring Boot Application with MockServer

In an integration test, we want to test the interaction of several components of our application. However, as soon as one of these components communicates with a 3rd party service via HTTP, this can present us with a challenge. To be independent of this service, we have to mock it. In this blog post, I will show you how to do that with the help of MockServer.

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How To Improve JUnit DisplayNames With The New 'Named' API

With JUnit Jupiters @ParameterizedTest annotation, you can execute the same test multiple times, but with different parameters. This is useful if you want to test the same code with different data. For Example, to test for special cases or limits. The annotation is used in combination with ArgumentSources like the @MethodSource. With this annotation, you can register a method as an argument provider which, like the name suggests, provides our test method with arguments. [Read More]